The Summer is beautifull in our Natural Reserve. Everything is green and our Garden is not an exception...
Broad beans. Ussually a winter crop... this summer we tried it...and it looks good!!! |
Peppers |
Locotos. Bolivian Chiles. |
Cherry Tomatoes. |
Bell Peppers. |
More chiles... I don`t know the name of those... |
Big Bell Peppers. This summer we have the largest production ever... |
Cherry Tomatoes are delicious and very very popular at Aldea Luna every summer!!! |
Brussels Sprouts. First time... they still need a few more weeks... |
Aldea Luna`s chiles... A Classic!!!! |
Kohlrabi... Also the first time... I hope they give us many seeds for next season... |
Chiles again... They also need a few weeks. |
Peanuts!!! |
Lots of chiles plants. |
Tuna Cactus. |
Rosemary. |
Pumpkins. Also very common in our summer gardens. |
A Pumpkin Family!! |
We live in the middle of the Nature.
This is our decission.
The Garden is very very important for us
in our way to Self-sufficiency.
Every year, and especially every summer,
we learn more from our experiences.
We are very Gratefull to have this life...
And we hope that in the near future,
every family in this World,
can say the same.
Vivimos en medio de la Naturaleza.
Esa es nuestra decisiòn.
La Huerta es muy muy importante para nosotros
en nuestro camino hacia la autosuficiencia,
Cada año, y especialmente cada verano,
aprendemos mas de nuestras experiencias.
Estamos muy agradecidos de tener esta Vida...
Y deseamos que en un futuro cercano,
cada familia en este Planeta,
pueda decir lo mismo.